by Vicky
Centre de diffusion d'art multidisciplinaire de Montréal
t: 514 878-1088
dans un parc sans nom
entre Saint-Laurent et Clark,
entre Arcade et Rosemont/Van Horne
métro Rosemont ou bus 55 (sortez à Bernard)
appel de dossiers
Dis/location 2008
limite: 14 septembre 2007
Chih-Chien 是魁北克有名的藝術家,不少舊生應該認識他,希望大家能捧捧他的場。
Chih-Chien Wang
Le nid / The Nest
September 13 to October 7, 2007
in the park with no name
Thursday September 13, from 6 to 11PM
As part of the Mois de la photo à Montréal, Chih-Chien Wang is proposing an installation in DARE-DARE's park with no name. The Nest is an empty space with sound and light: an enclosure where the sound of the Rosemont viaduc is rendered visible. The space combines many types of surfaces which make the interior hard to classify: it could be indoors or outdoors, or, it could be both a container and an object by itself. Inside this enclosed space, the loud vibration and bright light dominate the emptiness.
The Nest aims at generating two kinds of spaces: a metaphorical heart for the bridge and a physical space of solitude. A way to connect people and the city through an organic experience, this is a place where people and city come together.
"The procedure for creating this space is similar to the way I work with photography. I collect found objects, then stage or transform them into something which loses its original meaning. Even though the final creation becomes abstracted, it still keeps parts of its original appearance." The amplified vibration from the viaduc and the light are transformed in the same way. The installation embodies the breath of the bridge and mixes up perceptions.
Originally from Taïwan, Chih-Chien Wang lives in Montréal and works mainly with photography and video. Mostly concerned with personal environment and daily experience, urban environment and cultural differentiation, Chih-Chien's work also embodies a sense of performance. His work has been shown in several countries. He recently completed a residency at El Basilisco in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Sep 19 Wed 2007 12:47
Chih-Chien Wang 的作品展覽