目前分類:生活在蒙特婁 (28)

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To all,

Hi, this is Yu-Ting.

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View Food @ Montreal in a larger map


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(by Stacey)

我的室友 EVA 計畫於十一月底要搬出去,

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From Vicky


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來源: http://www.montreal.com/tourism/festivals/index.html

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Dear All,

My roommate will move out at the end of June. I have one room available from July in my apartment.

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hi Lijen,

Please help spread this over MTGSA

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by 昭蓉

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by Rance


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informed by 正台
資料來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090203/17/1dtcf.html

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shared by Daphne

這個網站可以幫助你學法文唷~ http://french.about.com/

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provided by Jason

由Hydro-Quebec贊助的Montreal High Lights Festival 今年堂堂邁入第十年!從2009年2/19~3/1,在市區內將會舉辦各式各樣的音樂.戲劇.美食活動,

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Hello all,

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感謝 Daniel 提供寶貴經驗談!


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中華民國(台灣)與加拿大魁北克省雙方同意從2008年6月2日起,免試相互承認駕駛執照。詳情請瀏覽以下網頁連結,並請協助本組將此消息轉知 貴會所有會員同學。謝謝!


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Many of you may have heard reports about an assault near campus. These reports may be alarming to you.

Yesterday (Sunday, April 13), Montreal police provided to us a summary of their investigation into reports of various incidents in or around the Milton-Parc community to the east of the downtown campus in recent weeks.

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99 jetta in excellent condition
Price: $6,500.00

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