Dear Visitors,
Due to the interactive nature and the easy maintainability of a Facebook group, we've migrated most of our online activities to Facebook. I urge you to visit our group site at:
- Mar 13 Tue 2012 00:19
MTGSA Facebook group
- Oct 01 Fri 2010 00:06
- Jul 27 Fri 2007 11:40
歡迎光臨麥基爾大學台灣研究生會(McGill Taiwanese Graduate Student Association,簡稱MTGSA)的部落格,成立的目的是希望能提供新生一些有用的資訊,也能作為舊生或校友間交流的平台。
- Aug 23 Thu 2012 10:18
Year in Review and the MTGSA president for the 2012-2013 academic year
The 2011/2012 school year is about to come to an end.
While we welcome the new students who made an wise decision to embark an adventure at McGill University, we look back to an eventful year full of fun and academic rigor.
- Aug 13 Mon 2012 23:30
會長選舉餐會 2012
With the new school year right around the corner, it is time for us to elect a new president to take us through another dreadful year of graduate studies.
The date, time, place, and presidential candidate for the Presidential Election banquet have been decided and are as follows:
- Mar 29 Thu 2012 22:19
Sublease info (McGill Ghetto)
To all,
Hi, this is Yu-Ting.
- Sep 23 Fri 2011 11:18
Saturday BBQ
There is going to be a BBQ event on Saturday, September 24th!
Information regarding the event has been sent via email
- Aug 22 Mon 2011 02:17
昨天的聚餐感謝大家的支持,David Yeh已經是下一屆的會長了,他對明年一整年度有很多計畫,請大家多多支持。我在接下來這一周會把所有資料交接給他。
- Jun 24 Fri 2011 18:26
- May 31 Tue 2011 09:47
很快又是七月中了,8月新生們即將陸續到達蒙特婁,今年感覺上又有不少新生會加入McGill.為了能較為精確地掌握新生的人數和預定抵達蒙特婁的時間,以便幫助各位新生適應新環境,請各位新生做個簡單自我介紹(姓名 科系 聯絡方式 其他)和跟我們說你預定抵達蒙特婁的時間~請用"迴響"的方式回應於本文.
- May 31 Tue 2011 09:46
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:54
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:51
[2011網路研討會系列文章]The genetics of lipid metabolism in by Ju-Ling Liu
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:45
[2011網路研討會系列文章]The Variation of Heart Activity at Different Times of Day and its Relation to Sleep by Wei-Hsien Yeh
In 2009, heart disease and stroke were two of the three leading causes of death in Canada. Therefore, finding ways in which we can effectively prevent cardiovascular emergencies remains extremely important. Previous research has shown that the frequency and severity of cardiovascular emergencies, including heart attacks, are highest in the morning hours and during the last phase of sleep. This result is not surprising as one of the most important factors in the regulation of human physiology, including the cardiovascular system, is the circadian pacemaker. To understand why the morning hours and the last phase of sleep are the most dangerous periods for having cardiovascular emergencies, we will be examining the relationships between the function of the heart, the circadian clock, posture, and sleep. Sixteen healthy men and women, aged 18 to 30, will be enrolled from the community for a six day study. During the experimental period, participants will be taking multiple naps at different times of day, while having their heart activity and blood pressure monitored continuously. Participants will also perform postural changes upon awakening from the multiple naps to simulate the action of getting out of bed after normal sleep episodes. This procedure will allow us to examine how heart activity changes in relationship to sleep and posture at different times of day. Results from the current study will help us to better understand the role of disrupted sleep on the increased risk of developing high blood pressure and cardiac problems observed in shift workers, as well as the overall increased risk of cardiovascular events in the morning for the general population.
Wei-Hsien Yeh, M.Sc. Graduate Student
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:38
[2011網路研討會系列文章]Microbial research in the Arctic by Chih-Ying Lay
The Arctic is a very harsh environment where living things, such as plants, animals and microorganisms, cannot grow and survive easily with low temperatures, low water activity, low nutrition, high radiation exposure, and high salt concentration. Although the Arctic is not a suitable environment for living things, microorganisms can still be found in several ecosystems, such as permafrost, ice wedges, glaciers, ice shelves, cryonite holes, and subglacier lakes, etc., in the Arctic area with their own specificity. How diverse the microbial composition in those ecosystems can be is still an interesting issue because people are not acquainted with those extreme environments.
My study focuses on the microbial diversity in the Arctic. The sampling site, Lost Hammer Spring located in the Canadian High Arctic, Axel Heiberg Island, is a unique, unfrozen, highly saline, and perennial spring with gas bubbling with rich methane. Currently, I am working on the metagenomic and metatranscriptomic study of the sediments from the source of the spring and its channel. Furthermore, from the sediments of the outflow channels, I have already completed 16S rRNA clone libraries of bacteria and archaea for realizing the bacterial and archaeal composition in the channel sediment. So far, several interesting phylotypes, such as methanogenic, methylotrophic, and Thaumarchaeota-like microorganisms, have been found in the clone libraries. As well some representatives of bacteria have been cultured in relatively high concentration of NaCl under subzero temperatures. Some of the representatives can even survive and grow with relatively high concentrations of perchlorate, which is a highly hazardous salt for most microorganisms. This research implies the relationship between the microorganisms inhabiting in such extreme environment and the geochemical features. Furthermore, the results of the research can also be applied to the research of astrobiology due to the analogous features of the sampling site compared with the extraterrestrial bodies, such as Mars, Europa, or Encaladus.
- Apr 18 Mon 2011 22:19
[2011網路研討會系列文章]The SPH Method by Yu-Yun Mercedes Shiue
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a mesh-based numerical method, which is conventionally used in engineering computational mechanics. However, the FEM has limited application in many complex problems such as free surface problems and large deformations. In order to deal with the problem of limited application, the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method was developed in 1977. This method is mesh free by replacing the nodes used in FEM by particles. Since there is no connectivity between particles, the SPH Method avoids element distortion and is applicable to solving problems of high velocity impact and penetration behavior into solid materials.
As with other mechanics calculations, the SPH Method is governed by momentum and energy conservation laws, which are expressed as interparticle forces. Each particle within the SPH numerical calculation has a fixed mass and follows the fluid motion, which is evaluated by the approximation function. Furthermore, the smoothing length is computed by the divergence function and the distance between each couple of particles is checked to see that it is smaller than twice the smoothing length. By determining the smoothing length as the influence neighbor sphere radius, enough particles are kept in the neighbor sphere to validate continuum variables and avoid problems in material compression and expansion. After that, keeping the same number of particles is equal to keeping the same mass of particles in the neighbor sphere. The minimum and maximum values required for the smoothing length are 0.2 and 2, respectively, times the initial smoothing length, while the default value is 1.2 times the initial smoothing length.