Research PARTICIPANTS Wanted (protocol V)
Aims of the Study
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationships between your sleep, your biological clock, and the function of your heart. The biological clock (called circadian clock) controls your daily rhythms of body temperature, hormone and urine production, vigilance, performance, mood, time perception, and sleep quality. The results of this study will help us better understand the role disrupted sleep plays in the increased risk of shift workers to develop high blood pressure and cardiac problems over time.
Description of the Study
The study involves preliminary screening tests (heart recording, physical, psychological assessment, urine and blood samples for biochemical analysis). There is a 6-day experimental session to be completed in the lab, during which time participants will perform psychological tests. Biological samples will be taken (saliva, urine, blood), and participants will undergo medical monitoring. Financial compensation will be provided.
Criteria for Eligibility
Men and women, between 18 and 30.
Good sleep quality.
No health problems.
Have not travelled across more than 2 time zones in the past 3 months.
Have not worked on night shifts in the past 3 months.
No pregnancy in the past 6 months.
Possible Risks and Discomforts
Medical monitoring, blood samples, frequent visits.
Participants will receive financial compensation for their 6-day participation.
For further information
Please visit: http://www.ugd-dmu.ca/heart
Call: 514-761-6131 ext. 3383
Or email: wei-hsien.yeh@douglas.mcgill.ca
- Apr 30 Sat 2011 03:18