Dear all,
經由我們的統計結果,是4/4最多人有空,所以我們決定今年的楓糖屋之旅 (sugar shack) 就辦在4/4.而日前魁北克台灣青年專業協會(TYPAQ)的會長有跟我們連絡,他們在同一天也有辦楓糖屋之旅,所以我們打算乾脆兩團併一團,交通方式則是租公車直接前往,相當方便,而由於預期會有足夠的人參加並分擔租車費,在費用上面可以稍微便宜一點.此外,若想認識其他同樣在蒙特婁的台灣人,此行算是相當不錯的機會.
TYPAQ is inviting you to join us for this year's Cabane A Sucre. Sometimes refer to Sugar Shask in English.
Never heard of it? You have to come try this Quebec tradition.
What to do:
- A great traditional brunch with maple syrup: Egg+maple cyrup, bacon+maple cyrup, ham+maple cyrup, bean soup+maple cyrup..."you name it"+maple cyrup.
- Mini zoo
- Hiking + Carriage
- Learning how maple syrup is made out of a tree
- Most important, all you can eat maple syrup on ice.
Price: $30 includes transportation and brunch
Deadline: March 28 2009
Please contact any of our staff.
請有興趣的同學在3/27 23:59前回應本文,以便統計人數!
- Mar 24 Tue 2009 12:18
楓糖屋之旅 (sugar shack) 確定版